When I see the word “balance” a couple of different images come to mind. Either a set of archaic scales, or walking on a tight rope. Yet when it comes to creating balance in my life, neither of those images can take in the complexity of all the things I have to balance in my life.
Something I often struggle with is balancing my tasks with my priorities. The question I have to keep asking myself is, “Is this in alignment with what I have said my priorities are?”
When I am out of balance in my life, I get frustrated easily, I have a low level of patience, and life generally does not go smoothly for me.
When I take the time to balance my life, by focusing on myself, my goals and my priorities, my life just seems to flow a lot easier. I accomplish more, I have more patience with my family and friends, and I am able to face challenges with grace and ease.
Balance Guided Meditation helps you sort out what tasks are taking the most time, and what your priorities are. It gives you the opportunity to mindfully rearrange tasks and priorities, and bring the two into alignment.
Included in the Power Walks Within Guided Meditation Set:
1. 11 Power Walks Within Guided Meditations (Natural Childbirth not included in this collection)2. Creating Sacred Space3. Protection Shield4. AND Spiritual Grounding
That’s almost 4 hours of guided meditation to help you uncover the Power that Walks Within you!