A Walk with Inanna Guided Meditation

The Prosperity Priestess
Price: $9.97

Inanna is a Sumerian Goddess (Sumer was a region in southern Mesopotamia; the area is now part of modern Iraq). She was known as the Queen of Heaven and Earth, and is one of the only Goddesses whose stories span an entire lifetime, from young woman to lover to wise woman.

The most well-known story about Inanna is her Descent to the Underworld.

From the Great Above she opened her ears to the Great Below.
From the Great Above the goddess opened her ears to the Great Below.
From the Great Above Inanna opened her ear to the Great Below.

~excerpted from Inanna, Queen of Heaven and Earth: Her Stories and Hymns From Sumer by Diane Wolkstein and Samuel Noah Kramer. Harper & Rowe, Publishers

To walk with Inanna is to enter the Underworld, “naked and bowed low.” To walk with Inanna is to face your Shadow. If you choose to walk this way, remember that “the ways of the underworld are perfect, they may not be questioned.”

Trust in the wisdom of this ancient Mystery. Though “no one ascends from the underworld unmarked,” chances are that you will return much better off than you began.

Life Coach Sayward

Walks With the Goddess Guided Meditation Series

Included in the Walks With the Goddess Guided Meditation Set:

  1. 8 Walks With the Goddess Guided Meditations
  2. A Walk with Cernunnos
  3. Four Winds Cleansing Meditation
  4. AND Five Elements Meditation

That’s almost 4 hours of guided meditation to help you Walk With the Goddess!

Walks With the Goddess Guided Meditation Series: $89.00
