The labyrinth is a symbol of a single path to God.
From ancient times, labyrinths have been a powerful symbol for people. The first labyrinths appeared about 4,000 years ago, in cave paintings and inscribed in stone. They were widely found in Greece, Spain, Portugal, and other parts of Southern Europe.
A labyrinth is not the same as a maze. A maze has twists and turns that can lead to dead ends. At any point in a maze, you can have several choices of which direction to go, and you may end up retracing your steps if you go the wrong way.
A labyrinth has one pathway that leads all the way to the center, and then you follow the same path back out to the entrance. Since there is only one path, though it may wind back and forth through several twists and turns, you cannot get lost in a labyrinth.
There are two main styles of the labyrinth: the 7 circuit and 11 circuit designs.
Included in the Power Walks Within Guided Meditation Set:
1. 11 Power Walks Within Guided Meditations (Natural Childbirth not included in this collection)2. Creating Sacred Space3. Protection Shield4. AND Spiritual Grounding
That’s almost 4 hours of guided meditation to help you uncover the Power that Walks Within you!