
Seeds of Success Guided Meditation

Price: $9.97

I have pretty big dreams. Sometimes it seems like I’m making no progress towards those dreams, or going backwards even.

And yet, I believe I have everything I need, right here, and right now.

This meditation helps you envision where it is that you want to be, and reminds you that you do have everything you need, right here, right now.

And when you think you can’t go any farther, the Universe reaches out and gives you a ha


Power Walks Within Guided Meditation Series

Included in the Power Walks Within Guided Meditation Set:
1. 11 Power Walks Within Guided Meditations (Natural Childbirth not included in this collection)2. Creating Sacred Space3. Protection Shield4. AND Spiritual Grounding
That’s almost 4 hours of guided meditation to help you uncover the Power that Walks Within you!

Power Walks Within Guided Meditation Series Price: $97.00