Ho’oponopono is a Hawaiian word meaning “to make right”. It is a process of forgiveness.
I first heard about ho’oponopono on my PEACEFUL WOMAN MAUI PASSAGE , an incredible growth experience for me. That learning planted a seed in me to do some more research about the process, as I had a hurt with another person that I needed to heal.
It took me a long time to realize that when I forgiving someone else is actually a process of healing within myself. Forgiveness allows me to let go of the hurt and anger. It makes room within me to move forward and allow new things into my life.
The other thing it took me a while to understand is that forgiving another does not mean I have to embrace that person back into my life. Forgiveness and trust are not always the same things.
Ihaleakala Hew Len, Ph.D, one of the modern teachers of ho’oponopono, teaches that there is no one and no thing “out there.” Everything we see and experience is inside of us. So if we experience something hurtful, it means there is something out of balance inside of us that is creating that experience. By healing that place inside of us, our outer experience changes and is healed.
This meditation was inspired by Bentley Kalaway from The Peaceful Woman and influenced by Dr. Len’s work , this article by Joe Vitale, and this website about Ho’oponopono.
May you find peace through forgiveness.
Included in the Power Walks Within Guided Meditation Set:
1. 11 Power Walks Within Guided Meditations (Natural Childbirth not included in this collection)2. Creating Sacred Space3. Protection Shield4. AND Spiritual Grounding
That’s almost 4 hours of guided meditation to help you uncover the Power that Walks Within you!